

A 初めに神が創造された世界には、悩み、苦しみ等は存在しませんでした。アダムとエバ は完全な世界に神と共に住んでいました。

B 神はアダムとエバ(すなわち人間)に自由意志を与えられ、神に従うか、従わないかの選択を彼らにまかせられました。この自由意志なくては人間はロボットか動物のような存在なのです。

C この自由意志をもったアダムとエバは神にそむき罪を犯しました。その結果ただちに、悲しみ、殺意がこの世に入りこんだのです。

D その時から、神にそむき、罪を犯した人間の心の状態は下記の聖句に現わされています。
(ガラテヤ5:19~21 マルコ7:21~23 ローマ1:18~31)

E 悪の原因が人間の心の罪の結果であるとするならば、この悪を解決することは人間には不可能です。
(ローマ3:10~18 イザヤ64:6)

F それどころか、聖書は終りの時代には、世界はますます悪くなることを教えています。
(2テモテ3:1~5 マタイ24:3~51)

G それでは、いったい、悪の解決はどこにあるのでしょうか。イエス・キリスト(神の子)のみがこの世に真の平和と喜び、愛をもたらすお方なのです。
どのようにしてでしょうか? それは、人間の罪という悪の根本的原因をイエス・キリストの十字架と復活が完全に解決したからです。
(1ペテロ2:24 2コリント5:17)





A 先に、一般的幸福論を考えてみましょう。(世的幸福)



ローマ5:8~11 真の幸福のスタートは人間の罪が許され、神のみ前に義とされるという辞典から始まるのです。 詩篇5:12

1.平安 ヨハネ14:27
2.喜び  ローマ14:17
3.富  ピリピ4:19  2ペテロ1:3
4.知恵、知識 コロサイ2:3 1コリント 1:30
5.生命 ヨハネ3:36 ヨハネ10:10



A 「救い」とはどんな意味かを考えてみましょう。

1テモテ1:15 マタイ18:11(ローマ3:23 全ての人は罪人である)

コロサイ1:13 ヨハネ10:10 ヨハネ3:36
詩篇91:15、16 出エジプト15:26 ピリピ4:19



イザヤ55:7~9 詩篇94:11
3 他の名前、如何なる宗教、人間にも救い主としての権威は与えられていません。
使徒4:12 イザヤ43:11 1テモテ2:5

D では、どのようにして救われるのでしょうか。
ローマ10:9、10 使徒16:30,31
(悔い改め 信仰告白)


A 見えないから信じられない、存在しないと言う結論は出し得ません。なぜなら見えなくとも存在するものは多くあります。、たとえば、空気、風、電気、また人間の心、愛、及びその他の感情、痛み等々これらは肉眼には見えないがその存在は認められ否定することはできません。

1テモテ1:17 6:15,16


.神が造られた自然界を通して。 詩篇19:1 ローマ1:19,20

ヨハネ1:14、18 ヨハネ14:6~11 コロサイ1:15

ヨハネ5:39 使徒18:28 2ペテロ1:20、21

エペソ2:10 ガラテヤ2:20 2コリント4:7



D しかし、いつか未来において、私たちは神を見ることが許されています。
1ヨハネ3:2 黙示22:1~4 1テサロニケ4:16~18

解答 この解答のために二つの面からの証明を考えてみましょう。

A 外的証拠

. 聖書は2000年近くの長い年月にわたり、40人以上の異なる著者(王、政治家、医者、農夫、漁師等々)によって書かれたにもかかわらず、その流れは一貫 した主題(イエス・キリスト)にまとめられています。このような事実は考えられないことであり、聖書が神によって書かれたことを示しています。




〔例、エリコの域壁の崩懐 ヨシュア6:20〕
ガースタングはエリコがヨシュの時代に当るB.C1400年頃に破かいされ、城壁は外側に向って倒れ山腹に崩れおちたということを発見しました。またヨ シュア6:24のヨシュアによっておこされた火事でできた灰の層をも発見されました。その他、多くの考古学的証明があります。

5 多くの国l々は聖書にもとづいて、その国の法律、道徳、文化、文明等を築きあげました。


B 内的証拠

2テモテ3:16 2ペテロ1:20、21 箴言30:5、6a


a.イエス・キリストの誕生地 ミカ5:2-マタイ2:1

詩篇22 - マタイ27
詩篇22:7 - マタイ27:39
詩篇22:8 - マタイ27:43
詩篇22:18 - マタイ27:35
イザヤ53:12 - マタイ27:38
イザヤ53:9 - マタイ27:57~60

c.聖霊降臨の預言の成就 ヨエル2:28-使徒2:16~21


ミカ3:12 ゼカリヤ7:14 マタイ24:2

b.このユダヤ人が再び自国へ連れもどされ、独立国をつくりあげる事の預言 エゼキエル36:24、37:21、11:17これはA.D.1948年にイスラエル共和国ができユダヤ人が自国にもどって行った時点において成就しました。

マタイ5:17、18 マタイ4:1~11


A 復活は歴史的事実です。

1. ある人々は復活は幻想であったと疑います。しかし、異なった集団の人々が同じ幻想を続けて見るとは考えられません。復活という予期しなかった事実を500 人以上の人々が同時に夢見たり、また彼らが恍惚状態におちいっていたと考えることは難しいのではないでしょうか。次に復活後のキリストの顕現をあげてみま しょう。

a.マグダラのマリヤに マルコ16:9~10
b.他の女たちに マタイ28:9~10
c.2人弟子たちにエマオの途上で ルカ24:13-32
d.ペテロに ルカ24:34
e.11弟子に マルコ16:14 ルカ24:36
g.弟子たちがガリラヤ湖畔で ヨハネ21章
h.500人以上に 1コリント15:6
i.ヤコブに 1コリント15:7
j.最後の顕現、昇天 マルコ16:14~20

2. ある人々は仮死状態ではなかったかと疑います。イエスが墓に入れられた時、死んでいなかったため後で息を吹き返したのでは?。しかし、聖書はイエス・キリ ストが完全に死んだことを明らかにしています。マルコ15:42~46、ヨハネ19:31~35(34節に、イエスのわき腹に槍をさした時、水と血が出た ということが書かれています。ある医学の権威は心臓破裂の場合のみ、血液は心臓の外壁に集まり、血液の塊りと水様の血清とに分けられる、と言っています。

復活はキリスト教信仰に後日付加されたものではなく、キリスト教の起因であり、出発点でありました。もし弟子たちが実際に見ていなかったなら、彼らの信仰 の変化は信じられません。まず、彼らは、キリストの復活など信じていませんでした。しかし復活後彼らは生命をも惜しみませんでした。
マタ26:56b=使徒4:33 弟子たちの変化
マタイ26:31~75=使徒3章4葦 ペテロの変化
ヨハネ20:25~29 トマスの変化

もし、ローマ人が盗んだなら、後でキリストの死件を人々に見せて、復活は事実でなかったと、くつがえす事ができたはずです。また、弟子たちが盗んだのであ るなら、死んだキリストの体をかかえた弟子たちが、キリストのためにその命までささげて、従っていった姿は不思議で理解しがたいのではないでしょうか。そ れ故盗まれたとは考えられないのにこの墓が空っぽであったと言う事は、復活の事実を否定しえないひとつの証拠となるはずです。

B 聖書自身、キリストの復活が事実であったことを明確に語っています。

詩篇16:10 使徒13:34~37

マタイ16:21、20:17~19 マルコ9:31、
8:31 14:28 ヨハネ2:19~22

マタイ28章 マルコ16章 ルカ24章 ヨハネ20:1~21:24

1コリント15:3~9、20 1テサロニケ4:14

解答 一般の人々はイエス・キリストは偉大な宗教家、あるいは、四大聖人の1人として考えるが、キリストの十字架と復活はキリストが単に、偉大な人とか、聖人だけでなく、神の子であったことを証明します。

A 十字架の意義

ローマ5:6~8 ヨハネ15:13


ヘブル9:28a、10:12 1ヨハネ1:7

コロサイ1:20~22 ローマ5:1

イザヤ53:4、5 マタイ8:16、17

B 復活の意義

1.復活はイエス・キリストが単に人間でなく、神の子であったことを証明しています。 ローマ1:4



ローマ6:4~14 エペソ2:1~10

ヨハネ11:25、26 ピリピ3:20、21 1コリント15:20~23

A たしかに聖書には、高い基準が示されています。


B 人間は自分の力ではそのような高い基準を全うする事はできません。
ローマ7:15~24 イザヤ64:6

C しかし、人間の中に、その力がない事を知りつつも、イエスはこのような高い基準を守るように命じられました。それ故、神はこれを全うする道を人間のために持っておられたはずです。

ヨハネ1:12 2コリント5:17(これは、人間が自らの罪を認め告白し、救い主イエス・キリストを自分の心に受け入れる事です)

2.キリスト者の中に住み生き給うキリストから、この高い生活基準を全うする力が与えられます。何故なら、イエス・キリストは完全な生涯を送られ(2コリント5:21 1ヨハネ3:5)この高い基準を全うされた唯-のお方であったからです。
ガラテヤ2:20 コロサイ1:27b ピリピ1:11(クリスチャンの 中に住み給うイエス・キリストによって)

ガラテヤ5:22~23 2コリント3:17、18


A 教会とは何かを考えてみましょう。聖書を読んでみると、教会は十字架がそぴえ、ステンドグラスがはられたようないわゆる建物をさしているのではないことが分ります。
聖書が語る教会は、エペソ人への手紙に書かれているように、イエス・キリストの十字架の血潮によって罪が許された者によって成る群です。そして、それはキ リストを頭として、私たちクリスチャンがキリストの体となることをさしています。各々の肢体の働きも価値も異なっているが、どれ-つとして切り離してし まってよいものはありません。それと同じように、キリストを信じて、キリストの肢体の一部とされた私たちひとりひとりのメンバーが重要なのです。
1コリント3:10 エペソ2:20~22

B それでは次に、何故この教会にクリスチャンが集う必要があるのかを考えてみましょう。

1. 教会(キリストを頭とした信じる者の集まり)がキリストの体であるなら、クリスチャンひとりひとりはどうしてもその群に集う必要があります。それは義務か らではなく、ちょうど人間の体が互いに肢体の部分を愛し、いたわり合うように、-つの体が完全なものとして働くための愛と調和の故であるといえましょう。


3. イエス・キリストが地上にあって、体をもって力ある働きをされたように、現代は、キリストを頭とした肢体がひとつになって、神の力を現わします。今日、キ リストが世界にご自分の愛と力を現わすことができるのは教会を通してなのです。それ故肢体であるクリスチャンが神のご栄光を現わす目的のもとに、教会に集 うことは大切なのです。


5.キリストのみ前に出て、他のクリスチャンと共に主を礼拝することはクリスチャンのよろこびです。 詩篇122:1 使徒2:46、47


A クリスチャン生活はお酒、タバコにかぎらず、全ての点において、「~すべからず」主義の生き方ではありません。クリスチャンの信仰生活は決して律法主義的なものではありません。何故なら、クリスチャンが救われたのは信仰と恵みによるのです。
エペソ2:8、9 ガラテヤ2:16(お酒やタバコをやめる事によって救われ、クリスチャンになるのではありません)

B 次に聖書は、我々の体は神の宮であり、これを潔く、また、健全に保つ事が神のみこころである事を教えています。
1コリント3:16、17 6:19、20

C また聖書はクリスチャンは他の人々の模範となるべきである事を教えています。愛の中にあって他の人々をつまずかせないように心がけなければなりません。

D 聖書は、クリスチャンには真の自由が与えられている事を教えています。


E お酒、タバコ、その他の悪からどのようにして解放される力が与えられるでしょうか。

2コリント5:17 ローマ6:11~14

ローマ8:4~13 エペソ5:18

A  二千年の昔、イエス・キリストが肉体をもって地上に来られた事は、世界中の人々に知られています。聖書はそれを第一のキリストの地上来臨として語っていま す。このキリストの誕生も旧約聖書の預言の通り成就されました。しかし、聖書はそのキリストが十字架で死に、三日目によみがえり、昇天された後、いつかま た再び地上に来られると言う事をはっきり約束しています。

B キリストの再臨の目的は何でしょうか。

(マルコ13:26、27 1テサロニケ4:16~18)

(ピリピ3:20、21 1コリント15:50~57)

(マタイ16:27 詩篇96:13 2ペテロ3:7~10)

C キリストの再臨はいつ起こるのですか。
誰にもその時は知らされていません。しかし、その日が近づいているというしるしが聖書を通して教えられています。(マタイ24:36、42、44 マタイ24:4~33)

D キリストの再臨に対して、どのような備えをするべきでしょうか。

(マタイ24:42、25:13 ルカ12:37)


(2ペテロ3:11、13、14 1ヨハネ3:2、3)

Frequently asked questions,


In the world that God created in the beginning, there were no worries or sufferings. Adam and Eve lived with God in the perfect world.(Genesis1: 27-31)
God gave Adam and Eve (ie, humans) free will and left them to choose whether to obey or not obey him. Without this free will, humans are like robots or animals.(Genesis2:15-17)
With this free-will, Adam and Eve sinned against God. As a result, sadness and murderous intent immediately entered the world. It is described in detail in Genesis 3:1-4:15.

From that time on, the state of mind of sinners who turned against God is manifested in the following scriptures.(Galatians5:19-21, Mark7:21-23, Rome1:18-31)
Within such a sin-filled humanity, it is natural that there are troubles, sufferings, wars etc. Therefore, it can be stated that the responsibility for the existence of evil is due to human sin.(James4:1-8)
If the cause of evil is the result of the sin of the human mind, it is impossible for humans to resolve this evil.(Rome3:10-18, Isaiah64:6)
On the contrary, the Bible teaches that in the last days, the world will get worse and worse.(2Timothy3:1-5, Matthew24:3-51)

So where is the solution to evil? Only Jesus Christ (the Son of God) is the One Who brings true peace, joy, and love to the world.
How is it? It is because the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ completely solved the root cause of the evil of human sin.(1Peter2:24, 2Corinthians5:17)
This is the power to personally overcome sin, live a clean life, and live in righteousness through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the Bible tells us that the time will come when there will be no evil or war in the world.(Revelation20:12-21:5)

So what should we humans living in such times do?

First, enter a clean life after receiving personal forgiveness of sins.
Lead other people to this life of salvation.
Don’t be afraid of war and the work of the devil, and until Jesus Christ comes again, “Don’t be scared … When these things start to happen, straighten your body and raise your head. And stand firmly on the Word “Redemption is drawing near”(Luke21:9, 28).


First, consider the general theory of happiness. (Worldly happiness): wealth. However, because this is a temporary substance, it can never make humans happy.
In the way of life of the Prodigal Son in Luke chapter 15, it is often written that his wealth did not make him happy. In addition, read through Luke 12: 15-21.
Wisdom, education, fame and pleasure cannot make a person happy. Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26

In other words, these general theories of happiness are only material and temporary, and are not the answer to the permanent happiness that human beings seek.
So what is eternal happiness?
The Bible tells us that there is happiness and joy in our lives with God.
“You tell me the way of life. There is joy in front of you and forever in your right” (Psalm 16:11).
The way to come before this God is to be “a pure-hearted person,” as written in Matthew 5: 8. Therefore, it is important for us to believe in Jesus Christ, who can cleanse the human mind.

Romans 5: 8-11 The start of true happiness begins at the point that human sins are forgiven and justified before God. Psalm 5:12
Within Jesus Christ, who lives in those convicted of their sin, there is not a temporary, but an eternal wealth, joy, peace, etc.
Peace John 14:27
Joy Rome 14:17
Wealth Philippians 4:19 2 Peter 1: 3
Wisdom, knowledge Colossians 2: 3; 1 Corinthians 1:30
Life John 3:36; John 10:10
Everything that humans want is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Colossians 2: 9, 10


Think about what “salvation” means. Who must be saved?
 The Sinner (the lost)
1 Timothy 1:15 Matthew 18:11 (Romans 3:23:  All are sinners)

What will they be saved from?
From what: Matthew 1:21 (from sin)
Romans 6:23 (from the judgment of the consequences of sin)
To What: (eternal life, clean life) Colossians 1:13; John 10:10; John 3:36; Acts 26:18

In addition, the power of victory in all aspects of life on earth is promised.
Psalm 91:15-16; Exodus 15:26; Philippians 4:19
Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will give us this wonderful salvation.
John 14: 6
Salvation is not by the following certain methods.
It is not by maintaining one’s power or the law of Moses.
Ephesus 2: 8- 9
It is not due to human wisdom or enlightenment.
Isaiah 55: 7-9; Psalm 94:11
No other name, any religion, or human being is given the authority of the Savior.
Acts 4:12; Isaiah 43:11; 1 Timothy 2: 5
So how can you be saved?
Romans 10: 9, 10 Acts 16:30, 31
(Repentance and Confession of Faith)


One can’t conclude that something doesn’t exist because one can’t see it. The reason being that there are many things that exist even if they are invisible.  For example, air, wind, electricity, human mind, love, and other emotions, pain, etc. These are invisible to the naked eye, but their existence is recognized and cannot be denied.

The Bible says that God is a Spirit.
“Because God is a spirit” (John 4:24)
Therefore, it would be quite natural not to see God with the naked eye.
1 Timothy 1:17; 6:15-16

However, the Bible tells us that the existence of God is manifested through the following points:
Through the natural world created by God. Psalms 19:1; Romans 1:19-20
Of course, this is an imperfect revelation of God, and we can know God’s power and natural beauty through this nature, but we cannot know God completely.
God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ. This is the complete revelation of God.
John 1:14, 18; John 14: 6-11; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1: 2-3

You can know God through the Bible.
John 5:39; Acts 18:28; 2 Peter 1:20-21
Through Christians
Ephesus 2:10; Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 4: 7
Many people try to see God in Christians. Therefore, this will be an important challenge for Christians.
We must live so that people can see God (Christ) in us.

Through the answers of prayer. Jeremiah 29:12-13
The Bible also teaches that God reveals Himself through our praise of Him.
Psalm 22:3
Through the work of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders.
Acts 19:11-20
The love of Christ is manifested through the good deeds of Christians.
Galatians 5:22-23
But someday in the future we will be allowed to see God.
1 John 3:2; Revelation 22:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18;
Acts 1: 9-11


Consider a two-sided proof for this answer.

External evidence

Although the Bible was written by more than 40 different authors (kings, politicians, doctors, farmers, fishermen, etc.) over a time span of nearly 2,000 years, it is summarized by consistently pointing to the same subject: Jesus Christ. Such facts are beyond anyone’s imagination and indicates that the Bible was written by God.

In the course of a long history, many people have tried to remove the Bible from history, but it is still read as a bestseller by people all over the world. Doesn’t this also show that the Bible is not a human work?
No book has been translated into as many different languages ​​as the Bible. The Bible is also known to the world as the greatest piece of literary and philosophical work.
Archeology also shows that the records in the Bible are true.
[Example, Noah’s flood]

The Flood sediments were found in four different locations.
.. In Ur, by Dr. Woolley in 1929.
.. In Kish, 1928-29 by Langdon.
.. At Fara, by Schmidt in 1931.
[For example, the collapse of Jericho’s wall Joshua 6:20]
Garstang discovered that Jericho was defeated around B.C. 1400, during the time of Joshua, and the walls collapsed outwardly and collapsed on the hillside. A layer of ash from the fire caused by Joshua, as recorded in Joshua 6:24, was also found. There are many other archaeological proofs.

Many nations have built their own laws, morals, cultures, civilizations, etc. based on the Bible.
It can be said that the witnesses of many believers who have been changed by believing in the Bible also prove the authority of the Bible.

Internal evidence

God Himself has repeatedly said in the Bible that humans cannot add to anything or remove anything from it because it is not a witness of man – but the Word of God.
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Proverbs 30: 5, 6a
Here are some of the many prophecies found within the Old Testament that have been
fulfilled in the New Testament:
Birthplace of Jesus Christ Micah 5:2 [Matthew 2:1]
The suffering and cross of Jesus Christ, the place where he was buried
Psalm 22 [Matthew 27]
Psalm 22:7 [Matthew 27:39]
Psalm 22:8 [Matthew 27:43]
Psalm 22:18 [Matthew 27:35]
Isaiah 53:12 [Matthew 27:38]
Isaiah 53:9 [Matthew 27: 57-60]
Fulfillment of Pentecost Prophecy Joel 2:28 [Acts 2: 16-21]

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament have prophecies about the Jewish people.
The collapse of Jerusalem, the destruction of Temple, the people scattered all over the place
Micah 3:12; Luke 21:24; Matthew 24:2; Luke 21:24; Zechariah 7:14
This was accomplished in the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, the destruction of the Temple, and the subsequent dispersal of Jews throughout the world.
Prophecy that these Jews will be brought back to their country and create an independent country Ezekiel 11:17; 36:24, 37:21,
These prophecies were fulfilled when the State of Israel was formed in 1948 AD and the Jews returned to their own country.
It has Jesus Christ Himself quoting from the word of God.Matthew 5:17-18; Matthew 4: 1-11
When people read the Bible, the Holy Spirit works to make people admit their sins and admit Who God is. This is the work of God, which cannot be done in human books.


The resurrection is a historical fact.
Some suspect that the resurrection was an illusion. However, it is unlikely that different groups of people will continue to see the same illusion. Isn’t it difficult to think that more than 500 people dreamed of the unexpected fact of a resurrection at the same time, and that they were in ecstasy? Next, let’s give the manifestation of Christ after the resurrection.

Mary Magdalene Mark 16: 9-10
To other women Matthew 28: 9-10
On the way to Emmaus to the two disciples Luke 24: 13-32
Luke 24:34 to Peter
11 Disciples Mark 16:14 Luke 24:36
Evening one week after 11 disciples including Thomas
John 20: 26-29
Disciples on the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee, John 21
For more than 500 people 1 Corinthians 15: 6
To James 1 Corinthians 15: 7
The last manifestation, Ascension Mark 16: 14-20
Luke 24: 36-53
So many times, Christ showed himself to places and people.

Some suspect that he was in a state of asphyxia (meaning that it only appeared that Jesus had died). Did Jesus “come back to life” later because he wasn’t dead when he was put into the tomb? However, the Bible reveals that Jesus Christ was completely dead. Mark 15: 42-46, John 19: 31-35 (verse 34 says that when Jesus was pierced in the side; water and blood came out. One medical authority stated that it was a heart rupture. Only in some cases, blood collects on the outer walls of the heart and is divided into blood clots and watery serum.

Also, some suspect that it is a false record. Is it a story made at a later date to make Christ a hero and prosper?
The resurrection was not a later addition to the Christian faith, but was the cause and starting point of Christianity. If the disciples did not actually see it, the change in their faith would be unbelievable. First of all, they did not believe in the resurrection of Christ. But after the resurrection, they did not mind giving up their own lives..
For example, Luke 24: 9-11 = Acts 5: 27-33
Mt 26: 56b = Acts 4:33 Changes in disciples
Matthew 26: 31-75 = Acts Chapters 3 & 4 reads of Peter’s Change
John 20: 25-29 Changes in Thomas
Looking at the above, it is true that the disciples do not doubt that they are telling themselves that they have seen the resurrected Christ.

Did someone steal the body of Christ?
If the Romans stole the body, they could later show to people that the death of Christ happened and overturn that the resurrection was not true. Also, if the disciples had stolen it, it would be strange and difficult to understand how the disciples with the dead Christ’s body offered their lives for Christ and followed them. The fact that the tomb was empty, even though it was unlikely to have been stolen, should be undeniable evidence of the resurrection.
The Bible itself clearly states that the resurrection of Christ was a fact.
The Old Testament had already prophesied a resurrection.

Psalm 16:10 Acts 13: 34-37
Jesus Christ himself spoke about his life and resurrection.
Matthew 16:21, 20: 17-19 Mark 9:31, 8:31 14:28 John 2: 19-22
The Gospels were written by four different authors, but the fact that they all wrote the facts of the resurrection shows that this was the case.
Matthew 28, Mark 16 Luke 24, John 20: 1-21: 24
Paul, the persecutor of Christ, knew Christ after the resurrection and talked about the facts of the resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15: 3-9, 20 1 Thessalonians 4:14
Romans 6: 5-10


The general public thinks that Jesus Christ is a great religious leader or one of the four great saints (Buddha, Confucius, Jesus Christ and Mohammed), but the cross and resurrection of Christ is that Christ is not just a great man or a saint, but the Son of God. Here is the evidence:
Significance of the cross
The cross is a manifestation of the love of God in the human village.
Romans 5: 6-8 John 15:13
There is no forgiveness of human sin without the cross.
According to Hebrews 9:22, human sin could only be forgiven by shedding blood. The result of sin is death. Romans 6:23. In the Old Testament, animal blood was shed for the forgiveness of this sin. But it wasn’t a complete redemption.
Jesus Christ came to this world for the purchase of this complete sin. The blood of the cross of Christ was the only complete way of salvation to forgive human sins.

Hebrews 9:28a, 10:12 1 John 1: 7
The cross allows us to have reconciliation with God and peace with God.
Colosseum 1: 20-22 Rome 5: 1
Christ died on the cross not only for the soul but also for the healing of the body.
Isaiah 53: 4, 5 Matthew 8:16, 17
Significance of resurrection
The resurrection proves that Jesus Christ was not just a human being, but a child of God. Rome 1: 4
Because Christ was resurrected, he can still live and save and intercede what comes to him.

Hebrews 7:25
Through the resurrection, the power of the cross becomes effective.
1 Corinthians 15:17, 54-57
If Christ had not risen, the cross of Christ would have been meaningless, and Christ could not have the power to forgive sins or justify humans. However, through the rise of Christ from death, he proved (validated) the power of the work of the cross.
The power to overcome sin, live in righteousness, and live a clean life is in the resurrection.
Rome 6: 4-14 Ephesus 2: 1-10
You can live in eternal life and participate in the resurrection of Christ.
John 11:25, 26 Philippi 3:20, 21 1 Corinthians 15: 20-23


Certainly, the Bible sets high standards.
See, for example, Matthew chapters 5-7.
Matthew 5:22 and 1 John 3:15. Hatred (anger) is a sin equal to murder.
Matthew 5:27, 28. Those who look at women with lust have already committed adultery in their hearts.
Matthew 5:44. Pray for those who love and persecute their enemies.
There are many other high standards.
Humans cannot meet such high standards on their own.
Rome 7: 15-24 Isaiah 64: 6
However, knowing that human beings do not have that power, Jesus commanded us to adhere to such high standards. Therefore, God must have had a way for humans to do this.

The Bible says about it as follows:
First, believe in and accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
John 1:12 2 Corinthians 5:17 (This is for humans to admit and confess their sins and accept the Savior Jesus Christ in their hearts)
Christ, who lives and lives in Christians, gives us the power to fulfill this high standard of living. Because Jesus Christ was the only one who lived a complete life (2 Corinthians 5:21 1 John 3: 5) and fulfilled this high standard.
Galatians 2:20 Colossians 1:27b Philippi 1:11 (by Jesus Christ who lives in Christians)

It can be fulfilled by the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which also lives among those who believe in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5: 22-23 2 Corinthians 3:17, 18
In this way, it is important for humans to give up to the Holy Spirit and to obey the Holy Spirit in order to meet the high standards.
Romans 8: 1-14
When it is not enough to surrender and obey the Holy Spirit, Christians fail to meet this high standard and sin or fail. But even then, when we repent of our sins and obey the Holy Spirit again, the Lord will come back.
1 John 1: 9


Certainly, the Bible sets high standards.
See, for example, Matthew chapters 5-7.
Matthew 5:22 and 1 John 3:15. Hatred (anger) is a sin equal to murder.
Matthew 5:27, 28. Those who look at women with lust have already committed adultery in their hearts.
Matthew 5:44. Pray for those who love and persecute their enemies.
There are many other high standards.
Humans cannot meet such high standards on their own.
Rome 7: 15-24 Isaiah 64: 6
However, knowing that human beings do not have that power, Jesus commanded us to adhere to such high standards. Therefore, God must have had a way for humans to do this.

The Bible says about it as follows:
First, believe in and accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
John 1:12 2 Corinthians 5:17 (This is for humans to admit and confess their sins and accept the Savior Jesus Christ in their hearts)
Christ, who lives and lives in Christians, gives us the power to fulfill this high standard of living. Because Jesus Christ was the only one who lived a complete life (2 Corinthians 5:21 1 John 3: 5) and fulfilled this high standard.
Galatians 2:20 Colossians 1:27b Philippi 1:11 (by Jesus Christ who lives in Christians)

It can be fulfilled by the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which also lives among those who believe in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5: 22-23 2 Corinthians 3:17, 18
In this way, it is important for humans to give up to the Holy Spirit and to obey the Holy Spirit in order to meet the high standards.
Romans 8: 1-14
When it is not enough to surrender and obey the Holy Spirit, Christians fail to meet this high standard and sin or fail. But even then, when we repent of our sins and obey the Holy Spirit again, the Lord will come back.
1 John 1: 9


Think about what a church is. If you read the Bible, you can see that the church does not refer to a so-called building with a cross and stained glass windows.
The Bible-speaking church is a group of those who have been forgiven of their sins by the blood of the cross of Jesus Christ, as written in the Ephesians. And it means that we Christians become the body of Christ, with Christians in mind. Each limb has different functions and values, but none of them can be separated. In the same way, each and every member of us who believes in Christ and is part of Christ’s limbs is important.
The church is also likened to the building of God, the temple of God.

1 Corinthians 3:10 Ephesus 2: 20-22
Now let’s consider why Christians need to gather in this church.
If the church (a group of believers headed by Christ) is the body of Christ, each Christian must gather in that group. It is not obligatory, but just as the human bodies love and care for each other’s limbs-just because of the love and harmony for one body to work as perfection.
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31
Through the gathering of Christ’s limbs, one’s faith is also encouraged, strengthened, and grown.
Ephesus 4: 11-16

Just as Jesus Christ was on earth and did a powerful work with his body, in modern times, the limbs with Christ as his head are united to reveal the power of God. Today, it is through the church that Christ is able to show his love and power to the world. Therefore, it is important for Christians, who are limbs, to gather in the church for the purpose of glorifying God.
Romans 12: 3-8
The church is a precious past for God Himself, and one day God will bring him to the church before him.
Ephesus 5:27
It is a Christian joy to come before Christ and worship the Lord with other Christians. Psalm 122: 1 Acts 2:46, 47
It is also the command of the Lord.
Hebrews 10:25


Christian life is not limited to alcohol and tobacco, but in all respects it is not a “nothing” way of life. Christian religious life is by no means legalistic. Because Christians were saved by faith and grace.
Ephesus 2: 8, 9 Galatians 2:16 (Saved by quitting alcohol and smoking, not becoming a Christian)
The Bible then teaches that our body is the temple of God, and it is God’s will to keep it clean and healthy.
1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 6:19, 20
(It is taught not only in the Bible but also in medicine that alcohol and tobacco are harmful to the body. From this point as well, it is generally known that it is not good to take it for granted.)
The Bible also teaches that Christians should set an example for others. You must try not to trip other people in love.
1 Timothy 4:12
The Bible teaches that Christians are given true freedom.
1 Corinthians 6:12
But how to use this freedom is important.
Increase virtue and use for beneficial purposes.
1 Corinthians lO: 23
Used for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
How can you be empowered to be free from alcohol, tobacco and other evils?
Believing in the cross of Christ, being forgiven of sin and living in the new life of Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Rome 6: 11-14
In being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Rome 8: 4-13 Ephesus 5:18


It is known to people all over the world that Jesus Christ came to earth with his body two thousand years ago. The Bible speaks of it as the earthly arrival of the First Christ. This birth of Christ was also fulfilled according to the prophecies of the Old Testament. However, the Bible clearly promises that after Christ died on the cross, was resurrected on the third day, and ascended to heaven, he would someday come to earth again.
The Bible testifies that Christ will come back in a visible way.(Apostles1:9-11, Revelation1:7, Matthew24:30, Daniel7:13)
It is written that the Second Coming of Christianity can be clearly seen in our day, just as the birth of Christ as a person (Christmas) was clearly seen in our day.

What is the purpose of the Second Coming of Christ?
To come to your people.(Mark13:26,27, 1Thessalonians4:16-18)
To give the children of God a glorified body(completion of redemption) : (Philippians3:20,21, 1Corinthians15:50-57)
To make the final judgment on the world.(Matthew16:27, Psalm96:13, 2Peter3:7-10)

When will the Second Coming of Christ occur?
No one was informed at that time. However, the Bible teaches us that the day is approaching.(Matthew24:36,42,44 Matthew24:4-33)

How should we prepare for the Second Coming of Christ?
I’m awake.(Matthew24:42,25:13, Luke12:37)
Until then, work hard with faith.(2Peter3:4-14)
Continue to protect the spirit, mind and body(2Peter3:11,13,14, 1John3:2,3)