昼食会 Lunch gatherings


2017-12-12 17:35


On the third Sunday of every month we hold a lunch gathering.
While it is free for first-time visitors, everyone else pays 200 yen.
Please enjoy the delicious Curry and Rice!

On the third Sunday of every month we hold a lunch gathering.
While it is free for first-time visitors, everyone else pays 200 yen.
Please enjoy the delicious Curry and Rice!

教会の花 Church FlowersCFC
聖歌隊の姿 Images of the Church Choirこの写真は何年前の姿です。 写真よりは増えていますが聖歌隊に参加したい方がいらっしゃれば是非、参加してください! These are photos from few years ago. We now have more people in the Church Choir, yet if you are interested, please join us!CFC
洗礼式の姿 Images of BaptismsCFC
賛美チーム Praise Team楽器や歌などのタラントを持っている人々が教会の礼拝のために奉仕をしています。 We have a number of people using musical instruments and singing who serve on our praise team.CFC
教会の入口 Entrance space within the Church building礼拝の際に案内者が来られる皆さんに案内をさせて頂きます。 In order to provide directions, we have church members who greet people entering the worship service. You can also find different notices providing information on the Information Board located on the wall within the entrance of the church. 教会の様々な情報を教会の掲示板を通してご確認ください。CFC
CSのお誕生日のパーティー Children’s Church School Birthday partiesCFC
昼食会 Lunch gatherings教会の昼食会は毎月の第三週目に行っております。 初めて来られた方は無料になりますが、次には一人で200円になります。 美味しいカレーを召し上がってみてください! On the third Sunday of every month we hold a lunch gathering. While it is free for first-time visitors, everyone else pays 200 yen. Please enjoy the delicious Curry and Rice!CFC
礼拝の姿 Worship Images神様を喜ばせる礼拝です。 誰でもキリスト・イエスのうちに居るなら救われます。 その喜びをもって礼拝を捧って参りましょう。 Our worship service is to please the LORD God. Anyone who is within Jesus Christ, is saved. With that joy let us serve and worship the Lord.CFC
教会の全景 Panoramic view of the Church facilities教会の全景です。 誰でも歓迎します。是非、お越しください。 Panoramic view of the Church facilities. Everyone is welcomes. Please visit us! 教会の駐車場です。Church car parking space. 雨の日はここに傘を置きます。This is where we place our umbrellas on rainy days. 教会の教育館です。Church Education building. 教会の駐輪場です。Church Bicycle parking space.CFC